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Ten winning ways any CEO can become a more authentic speaker

Amber Daines | 22 October, 2024


Speakers stand out and remain in our minds usually for two reasons:

  1. They are stars
  2. They are flops

There is a middle grey area, where many people play safely with room to grow as they speak more regularly to higher stakes groups.

Helping a CEO become a more authentic speaker is essential for effective leadership communication and is one of my favourite gigs. The business impacts are real! Authenticity fosters trust, connection, and credibility. But speaking with impact does not always come naturally, no matter how competent, savvy, and successful you are. We love to help leaders get the speaker style mastered!

Here are my best 10 ways a CEO can enhance authenticity as a speaker:

1. Be Self-Aware

Authenticity starts with self-awareness. A CEO should reflect on personal values, strengths, weaknesses, and leadership styles. Knowing themselves allows them to speak from a place of honesty, which audiences recognise and respect.

2. Tell Personal Stories

Incorporating personal anecdotes makes speeches more relatable. Sharing real-life experiences, challenges, and even failures humanises a CEO and helps the audience connect emotionally.

3. Speak with Passion

A passionate speaker naturally appears more authentic. Speakers should focus on issues they genuinely care about right there and then. Their enthusiasm will resonate with the audience, making their message more impactful and creating a chance to be memorable long after the speech ends.

4. Use Conversational Language

Avoid overly corporate jargon, crazy acronyms, or heavily scripted speeches. A conversational tone that aligns with the CEO’s natural speaking style makes communication feel genuine and accessible. Never sound like a researcher’s white paper or a heavy legal document unless you want to cure insomnia for the audience.

5. Maintain Eye Contact

Eye contact is crucial for building trust. A CEO who makes regular, meaningful eye contact with the audience shows engagement and confidence in their message.

6. Be Vulnerable

Showing vulnerability creates an authentic connection. A CEO can admit to not having all the answers or talk about times they’ve struggled. This transparency makes them more approachable and relatable.

7. Stay Present

Authentic speakers are fully present in the moment, responding to the room’s energy rather than rigidly sticking to a script. Being attuned to audience reactions allows a CEO to adjust their tone and delivery for a more significant impact.

8. Emphasise Active Listening

A CEO who actively listens during conversations, meetings, or Q&A sessions demonstrates respect for others’ input. This ability to listen shows that they value a two-way dialogue, enhancing their authenticity. Be willing to read the room as they say and change your speech style to engage rather than lecture.

9. Be Consistent Across Settings

Authenticity involves consistency between public and private personas. A CEO who behaves similarly in small meetings as in large public addresses will be seen as genuinely themselves in all situations.

10. Be Clear and Transparent

Clear and transparent communication builds credibility. A CEO should avoid evasiveness and offer honest answers, even when discussing complex or challenging issues.

By integrating these strategies, leaders can become more authentic and influential speakers, strengthening their leadership presence.

We want to help every CEO shine as they speak! For any presentation coaching needs, please contact us at today.